This is a question I have asked myself for more years than I can remember or care to remember. Before I saw this country I love drifting to the left, I never really gave it a thought, writing off these misguided individuals as looney, young and stupid, or on drugs. After all, that was in the 60's.
But after Clinton came waltzing into the White House, this polished politician had thrown the wool over everyone's eyes and began an obvious push left for this country. When it finally dawned on him that America will not tolerate this move, he campaigned with centrist policies and won another 4 years. He never really did accomplish much, was almost impeached, talked his way out of his indiscretions, and America sort of felt sorry for him.
9/11 changed everything. It changed the world around us and set America on a different path, war, debt, deficits, yet Bush persevered and worked through it. He made mistakes, yet understood what he must do and fought for his principles. The housing bubble, the financial crisis, two wars were just too much for America, and 52% of us wanted "hope and change." Those people who were written off as loonies found an idol, a man who came from nowhere with no history but could speak and was black. And America fell for his empty allure.
The liberals found their messiah and have jumped on board because his background is socialist minded that their "hopes" for equal misery throughout the land finally found a spokesman. Obama wallowed in their welcome, so much as to initiate his socialist policies immediately. He had 2 years of a democrat senate and house, rammed through an obvious unconstitutional healthcare bill that is not about care for all but control of all Americans. Liberals frothed at the mouth. They never liked capitalism, business, Wall Street, conservative notions, religion, family ties, morals, and marriage, all entities that made America different.
Liberals wanted to level the playing field so everyone was as unhappy and despicable as they. They wanted a European style living. They attacked every fiber of American being as they were emboldened by their "leader."
Entitlements, over spending by governmetnal agencies for anything was good for the masses, no matter how in debt we would become.
So, why would anyone want to be a liberal? It does boggle the mind that they have a mindset that is destructive to the very being of America. But, let me try to answer the question. Democrats have long been clandestinely infiltrating the education system, and now that hey have been successful, they teach socialistic ideas backed by invalid facts to their captive audiences.
Most suck these misguided and often times outright lies. Others assimilate it into their brains, and others keep it tentatively to pass their courses. However, after 4 years, and some some cases 6 years of undergraduate and other graduate years, the repetition of this propaganda becomes "truth" that is forever mired into their psyche. They do not let them have any life experiences that would negate their teachings. They jam their poison down their throats daily not giving them a chance to digest the garbage they serve.
That is how liberals are born!
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