NO JOKE: Bernie Sanders Says He Would Let Boston Bomber Vote — From Jail (Watch)
John SalvatoreApril 23, 2019
There are no words…
11 hours ago

Every proud American has a duty to make sure President Trump is re-elected simply so Democrat Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders never steps foot in the Oval Office.
His socialist policies would cause irreversible damage on America – and that’s the point. That is what progressives want to see happen.
Monday night on CNN, Bernie said he’d be cool with the Boston bomber voting from prison.
But not just him. All prisoners.
No joke.
From Daily Wire:
Socialist Bernie Sanders said during a CNN Democratic town hall event that he would let the Boston Marathon bomber, sex predators, and murderers vote in U.S. elections while in prison.
An audience member asked, “Would [you] support enfranchising people like the Boston Marathon bomber, a convicted terrorist and murderer? Do you think those convicted of sexual assault should have the opportunity to vote for politicians who could have a direct impact on women’s rights?”
Sanders noted, “If somebody commits a serious crime, sexual assault, murder, they’re going to be punished. They may be in jail 10 years, 20 years, 50 years, their whole life. That’s what happens when you commit a serious crime. But I think the right to vote is inherent to our democracy. Yes, even for terrible people, because once you start chipping away … you’re running down a slippery slope … I believe even if they are in jail, they’re paying the price to society, that should not take away their inherent American right to participate in our democracy.”
Bernie topped it off with this final line, “I believe every single person does have the right to vote.”
DANG, does that mean 8 year old kids can vote , too?
DANG, does that mean 8 year old kids can vote , too?
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