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Some Thoughts On America

Number 1:

If someone working for any organization I know of is fired or quits, the company always demands that anything related to that company such as keys, badges, transportation, and any of the  organization’s documents are are turned in and left behind. It only makes sense for security sake. So should the US Government insist that when an employee leaves, he gives up all keys, badges, and documents as well as security clearance so that it is not used inappropriately. I have heard all sorts of reasons by the MSM pundits why Brennan and others should be allowed to keep their clearance, but none of these excuses were logical or rational. Why in the world would it be considered a good idea to allow any Deep State individual to keep security clearance after leaving his post, or, in fact, once identified as one who potentially could use his clearance inappropriately while in the service of the U S Government, be allowed to have that clearance?

Number 2:

Face it, it has been the parents fault for 50 years now that we let the socialists intervene between us and our children. Many of us used the schools as babysitters and never tried to teach our children the real truths about life, out nation’s history, right from wrong, evil from good, and nurturing the the ability to think for themselves. Instead, we let the regressive progressives and liberals to invalidate our ideas and opinions and then usurp the moral high ground by shaming and oppressing the children when they voice their questions and concerns about what they are being taught.

As all those years past come to an end, the very children, over that time, that have been indoctrinated are now the parents of those kids whose questions and concerns are being squashed and oppressed, but, this time, with the parents’ permission.

Just saying , folks!
