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Really, Are You Going To Believe Them?

Ladies and gentleman, not you who are rational and logical thinking adults, but the rest of America who are actually believing or starting to believe the invented and orchestrated faux-indignant response of the left to the southern border issue of today.

Yes, the Trump administration is actually following the law as it is on the books. It is not like the Obama administration who picked and chose what laws were good for them politically.

Illegals are coming to our southern border in droves dragging their children in some cases, dragging other children to get into America based on a passionate nation, some being paid to do so, but no matter what, they are all illegal.

Yes, the adults are separated for prosecution and deportment and others stay longer because they are actually wanting asylum and others have been told by their smugglers to ask for asylum. The more that ask fo asylum, the longer they stay away from their children as they are processed.

These illegals already know they are breaking the law, they are already cognizant that their children or charges will be taken to other places while they are being processed, yet they do it anyway.
They purposely put their children in a situation where they are to be separated from them, yet the lefties of this country have found a crisis that they want to embellish and are doing so by clamoring for "reuniting the children" and "abolish I.C.E. How awful to separate them!

The parents made that decision. They knew, coming here, they would be. But according to the left, the Trump administration is being dastardly. The law, so weakly followed by the Obama administration, has been present since 1997. Bush and Obama separated the children as well, but no raucous rallies occurred then.
Why now? Where were these leftist protesters when Obama was putting children in cages and wrapping them in foil?

What we have now is the Democrats creating a crisis, branding Trump as the instigator, and paying protestors to orchestrate rallies similar to Occupy and protest loudly since, overall, they have nothing else to offer. They figure they will bash Trump and thereby win elections in November without really exposing the fact they have no solutions or platform to offer Americans. President Trump already signed an Executive Order to reunite illegal immigrant families, but the angry leftists don’t care. They just want to protest and create chaos and distract from his successes.

This is evident as the Schumer-lead Democrats refuse to quickly pass any legislation to correct the issue they invented. The Democrats want to carry this entire charade into the mid-term elections hoping to win just by complaining, deceiving, lying, and denigrating Trump.

What these people don't understand is that this "zero tolerance" policy being in place will, over time, educate those future illegals who are thinking of coming to this nation and cause them to have second thoughts knowing how difficult it will be to actually get in without being prosecuted and being separated from their kids.
