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Sorry States of Affairs

No it's not a typo.

These sorry states I allude to is the United States. We are not united whatsoever. In fact, I feel that we are pulling apart from one another day by day. Look what has happened. We have unfortunate evidence of a long time indoctrination of our children to the point that almost half of them today think socialism is a good thing. Why? Because they think it is equality for all. What they really don't understand is that equality for all leads to misery for all except, of course, those leading the charge for that equality.

All the liberties and freedoms we have outlined in our Constitution and Bill Of Rights are attacked daily by uninformed, protected, non-working, financially supported people who have been so battered by Marxists and "social justice" advocates, they are unable to see the forest for the trees. Video after video shows college students holding signs that they think make sense.

For instance, the young woman holding a poster that states," Give women the rights that guns have!" How many females would agree with this? How many liberals would agree with this? One heck of a lot would, but let's take time to use our brains for what they were meant to be used for, THINKING. If women want the rights that guns have, then, they would not be allowed to vote! They couldn't go into a polling booth because these are gun free zones. They couldn't work for governments or even enter their buildings and courthouses, they couldn't go to church, and they certainly couldn't go to many establishments who have designated themselves gun free zones.

Wow, they couldn't fly commercially, they couldn't go to their children's schools, they would arrested in some states, they couldn't enter Washington, D.C., they would need a license to be out in public in many states, and best of all, they would have to have a background check to prove they are women.

Now you can understand the pure lunacy of a woman carrying around such a poster? But, the woman actually believes that her message is sensible. Either, she is without the ability to understand logic and commonsense or has been brainwashed by others within her ilk to believe whatever someone has told her. In other words, there is no rational thought process here, and this is what the liberals and Democrats are banking on. Their voter base is this woman, a useful puppet for their propaganda accepting any and all information are gospel.

I, on the other, would carry a poster demanding guns have the rights of women.
