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Showing posts from May, 2018

Are You Fed Up With It All

Gosh, folks, give it up! President Trump is our president. Obama was our president. Many didn't like Obama and many did, but the despicable daily entourage of the media and others bashing Trump and his administration has become an embarrassment to America. Sure, Obama had some of it, and so did Bush and Clinton. All presidents have had some criticism to some degree, but the amount of inappropriate rhetoric, misinformation, outright lies, and deranged babbling from the left has been obnoxious and obstructive. Americans are becoming more and more cognizant of the Democrat Party and their incessant 24/7 deriding, demeaning, and deafening spewing forth of criticism from the shoes the First Lady wears to the tweets Trump writes. Others in his administration are certainly not free of their wrath as well. The Democrats lost what they thought was a sure thing, and now their minds have been transformed into vicious and evil machines, willing to devastate America just to satisfy their own ...

Sorry States of Affairs

No it's not a typo. These sorry states I allude to is the United States. We are not united whatsoever. In fact, I feel that we are pulling apart from one another day by day. Look what has happened. We have unfortunate evidence of a long time indoctrination of our children to the point that almost half of them today think socialism is a good thing. Why? Because they think it is equality for all. What they really don't understand is that equality for all leads to misery for all except, of course, those leading the charge for that equality. All the liberties and freedoms we have outlined in our Constitution and Bill Of Rights are attacked daily by uninformed, protected, non-working, financially supported people who have been so battered by Marxists and "social justice" advocates, they are unable to see the forest for the trees. Video after video shows college students holding signs that they think make sense. For instance, the young woman holding a poster that stat...

The Era Of Appeasement Is Over!

President Donal Trump's announcement that the U.S. is leaving the Iran Deal marks the end of what his predecessor, Barack Obama, considered his main foreign policy legacy. Trump will earn credit from his supporters for keeping his promise. But in truth, the Iran deal was undone by its own terms. It did not stop Iran from enriching uranium; it did not stop Iran from building a nuclear weapon, eventually; and it did not stop Iran’s global aggression. In fact, the Iran deal was not even a deal at all. Obama’s disregard for the Treaty Clause of the U.S. Constitution was  a piece with his general disregard for the constitutional constraints on the power of the federal government and the presidency. His refusal to submit the agreement to Senate scrutiny, and his party’s abuse of the filibuster to prevent even a weak Senate vote, deepened the damage that Obamacare — his other struggling “legacy,” in domestic policy — did to American civic culture. More than Obama’s autocrat...

Every School Needs A Pro-Active Protocol

THIS IS THE SECOND TIME I HAVE POSTED THIS ARTICLE. I BELIEVE IT IS SO IMPORTANT THAT NOT ONLY SHOULD SCHOOLS HEED THIS ADVICE BUT PARENTS SHOULD TAKE IT UPON THEMSELVES TO FORCE THEIR SCHOOLS TO DO SO! "I'm a small government guy, however, it's sadly apparent that the United States of America is paralyzed with political indecision over something the State of Israel figured out more than 40 years ago: all schools should have mandated security features and active shooter protocols. The horrific scene in Parkland, and the upsetting videos broadcast from the school during the shooting, should be the final straw.  The kids should not have been hiding and screaming, they should have been in the midst of a pre-determined security protocol. President Trump, if the Department of Education can force Americans to deal with the disaster of Common Core, it can certainly issue a federal mandate regarding school security. The time is now. My personal manifesto is that governmen...

10 Reasons Why Anti-Gunners Hate Me

"Here are 10 reasons along with commentary as to why anti-gunners hate all gun owners whether they are NRA members or note: “They’re Rage-Filled and Projecting” – Anti-gunners froth at the mouth. They riot. They espouse violence against legal, peaceful gun owners. Who is actually threatening violence here? Typically, it’s anti-gunners, but, like most people in that part of the political spectrum, they blame others for their character weaknesses instead of dealing with it themselves. “They’re Not Really Fans of History” – If they were, they would know that gun control is the realm of totalitarian governments and racists who want to control and kill people. Who are the bad guys here? Not gun owners. “They Eschew Logic” – Anti-gunners make knee-jerk emotional decisions. If they’re not being logical, how can they come up with logical solutions? They can’t. “They’re Horribly Misinformed” – They buy into the mainstream media’s anti-gun narrative hook, line, and sinker without an...

I Don't Want to Live In A Police State

Constitutional scholar Alan Dershowitz delivered a heated takedown Thursday of lawyers and civil libertarians pursuing Donald Trump for a crime, despite multiple probes failing to find evidence after more than a year of investigating.       I do not trust the government. I do not trust judges. I do not trust         prosecutors when they are zealously seeking to go after a particular target,         in this case Donald Trump,” the lawyer stated on MSNBC. Nobody would have been going after Michael Cohen if he weren’t Donald Trump’s lawyer. That’s the reality. People don’t investigate campaign contribution lapses or campaign rule violations generally about people who aren’t in the public life, and I just worry that when you have somebody with a target on his or her back – whether it is Hillary Clinton who could have been elected and had the same thing happen to her, or Donald Trump  that civil libertarians ought to expr...

Krauthammer Changes His Tune

KRAUTHAMMER IS FINALLY BACK ON A PARTIAL BASIS. BELOW IS HIS EXCELLENT UNDERSTANDING OF WHO DONALD TRUMP IS:  A PRAGMATIST . Krauthammer took time off for some surgery, and this is the first piece of writing I’ve seen, and it is recent. This is from Charles Krauthammer who did not go for Trump, but now read what he thinks of him now! I also think this is very interesting indeed and explains pretty well why we are so sick of both parties! Charles Krauthammer’s interesting take on Mr. Trump: To my friends "of a different persuasion" I'm not trying to sell anything or anyone but I do feel this is an interesting take on our very controversial president who I truly believe is not Republican or Democrat. A TAKE ON DONALD TRUMP ... A different take on Donald Trump: (a non-political agenda) Trump Is Not A Liberal or Conservative, He's a "Pragmatist."  (Definition: A pragmatist is someone who is practical and focused on reaching a goal. A pragmatist usually ...