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"First, even if we could make every AR-15 on Earth disappear, it wouldn’t end school shootings. It wouldn’t even make them less lethal. Remember that Virginia Tech, which was far more deadly than Parkland, had a shooter who carried two pistols. There wasn’t a single semi-automatic rifle in his arsenal. Ban the AR-15, and nothing will change.
Second, there’s the fact that even if it did end school shootings forever, it wouldn’t end the march of gun control. They wouldn’t leave us alone. They continue to try and take away our God-given right to keep and bear arms. For all their talk about “common sense gun control,” we know what the endgame is. They, as a group, want them all.
So despite the atrocity that occurred on Wednesday in Parkland, Florida, we’re not going to give up any ground. We’re not going to budge. We’re not going to give even one more inch of ground.
Especially since so few of these people who are demanding action are willing to talk about our mental health system, morality education at home and in our schools, respect for human life, or delve into the other possible causes of violence.
Because a lot of them don’t really care about the loss of life. They just want to take away people’s guns." Tom Knighton

This young generation has been easily transformed into much different individuals than in the past through technology to the point where they can not successfully communicate face to face with each other. They are now hidden in the depths of their bedrooms typing out text almost 24/7 or playing violent video games to pass the time therefore not directly communicating with others, thereby becoming more isolated and less social than generations gone by. 
These repetitive actions can only lead to insecurity, bullying, withdrawal, fear, anxiety, or despair on their part over time. These are all precursors of mental illness. Their responses to these can lead to anger and resentment, and the internet offers plenty of areas to find solace for them especially with sites offering violence and revenge.

Obviously, only a few kids will break out with severe violence as in Florida on Valentine's Day, but just think of how this individual got himself involved. His history is now being exposed by investigations into his computer use. Follow these next few weeks and see if I am wrong. 
Banning AR15s will do nothing but give the gun controllers one step on their way to confiscating all guns. The real answer starts in the home with parents teaching their kids morals and in our schools where morality and the respect for life should be a part of their curriculum. The gradual loss of morality has been so obvious to me over the last 40 years.

Parents have used the school system as a babysitter, and kids have been left more on their on since the invention of the pocket-sized cell phones. Anyone with children nowadays knows how much time they spend on their phones and do not really know what many of the kids are watching and absorbing into their fertile minds. Parents must seek out comraderies with their children and talk with them in regards to life's wonders and hazards before they retract into their cell phone cocoons! 
