What This Election Is Really About
During the week of the Democrat National Convention, Hillary’s husband gave a speech in which he said, “If you love this country, you’re working hard, you’re paying taxes and you’re obeying the law and you’d like to become a citizen, you should choose immigration reform over somebody that wants to send you back.” That’s right, he essentially said that anyone who loves this country, obeys the laws and is not now a citizen should be able to break the law again and vote in order to bring about “immigration reform.”
Now, first of all, no one, not even citizens of America, knows exactly what is meant by those words, “immigration reform.” To most reasonable and rational people, it means that a reform process should come about where the system, its checks and balances, and its flaws need to be revised so that the proper order of immigration should be followed, rules and laws upheld, immigrants applying to be vetted.. To people like Hillary and her followers, it means changing everything about the system in order to make it easier to bring in more immigrants, give them all the amenities of citizenship including healthcare, driver’s license privileges, welfare payments, and cash refunds at tax time. This is their answer to “immigration reform” because it is their intention to obtain the votes from these people in order to rig elections by having an overwhelming amount of non-English speaking, often ignorant immigrants voting. Their system does not reward American citizenship as a privilege that must be earned and aspired to. It’s just given.
You see, immigration and its reform is a distraction for the American people and Hillary’s campaign is about distracting Americans so they don’t look for the glaring negatives of her past and present policies. If Americans spent the amount of time they do on Pokemon, iPods, and video games that only entertain and do not educate, they would notice that the progressives of this country are conspiring to do away with much of our liberties and freedoms. They need the large numbers of uninformed immigrants to do so.
Many of our liberties existed just a few years ago and are already gone, and you are unaware of it. Taxes that were never meant to be are here. Rules and regulations are being spewed forth from government agencies every day of the week. 1st Amendment rights are being trampled on schools and college campuses every year. The Democrat candidate has already told everyone that she will try to eliminate the 2nd Amendment and diminish the 1st Amendment and the 10th. The ATF is already saving names from gun purchases despite the federal law forbidding it. Laws are being broken throughout agencies like NSA, EPA, and DHS. Every edict, every executive order, every action a government agency takes has and can diminish your liberties to the point where one day, you’ll ask, “Where are my Constitutional rights?” They’ll be gone because you didn’t take the time to to be diligent while they were being removed.
It is incumbent on you to check it out to see if I speak the truth. It is incumbent that you check everything that is said by presidential candidates to see it they are speaking the truth because there is no way you can vote from a position of ignorance which, by the way, is exactly what politicians want. Just because Hillary says so or plays the female or race card, there is no reason to vote for her. Just because Trump says funny things and speaks non-politically correct statements, this is not a reason to vote for him either.
Voting without knowing the real candidate, what they really stand for, how truthful they are, how responsible they are, how honest they are, and how consistent they are with their words and policies they endorse is how one becomes educated. Listen and question their words! Do you really agree? Then comparing the candidates, you will know which to choose.
Voting with no knowledge, on emotion, or on one issue is not rational or good for this nation’s future. This election is between Good and Evil for all America.
You must decide which candidate is which and why!
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