Hey, if you want to give up control of the internet and sign treaties to have control over our guns, and screw up the best health care system in the world, decimate the housing industry, mess up the banking/financial industry, destroy the coal industry, put a hold on oil/gas independence, clamp down on free speech and religion, send the IRS against your "enemies, kill your ambassador and other patriotic Americans including Officer Terry by Fast and Furious, allow NSA to spy on Americans at will, invite illegals to join America without doing anything, bow to foreign leaders, bend over backwards for the Islamic community but remove God from every place you can, skew the history of America with prevarications and fabrications, indoctrinate our children in schools, force citizens to to buy product they don't want, ban "words," keep Americans and Congress in the dark, blatantly ignore laws and the Constitution, bypass elected representatives with executive orders, have absolutely no foreign policies worth speaking of, embarrass our allies one at a time, show the world how weak you really are, use our tax money to bolster foreign entities like the Muslim Brotherhood, allow the EPA to run rampant over individuals and businesses based on fraudulent policies, condone a poor education curriculum, weaken our military through personnel cuts and entertaining homosexuals and women in combat, and continue taking extravagant vacations, playing golf, and partying with Hollywood types, why not become transparent and just auction America off to the highest bidder and vote for HILLARY?
You know why you won't?
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