". . . most people will reject liberalism if it is presented honestly and transparently. If they (liberals) were honest about liberalism they would lose the majority of their supporters. They lie because they have no confidence in their policies. If liberals told the truth, it would be the end of liberalism. They lie because truth does not serve them well. The truth does not help them advance their agenda.
Why does liberalism have to be a lie? At its core liberalism is itself a lie. A central, overarching belief of liberalism is that socialism and centralization of power are beneficial to societies and humanity.
That belief is a lie. It is a lie that permeates and infects all that they say and do. Socialism has been a failure wherever it’s been tried and they know it. They lie to themselves and to everyone else.
They lie because they get away with lying. They succeed because their supporters are gullible.
Arrogance is why they can lie with a clear conscience. It is the widespread application of the end justifying the means. They are so existentially certain that they are right and that their opponents are misguided and ignorant that any strategy is justified (something like our Mid-Eastern zealots). If you have a mindset of needing to tell and force other people how to live their lives, you have to believe that you’re better, smarter, and more informed than they are. Humility is an attitude that never enters their minds . . ." Spectator.org
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