Lately, how many times have you heard the term, “demagogue” or “demagoguery?” I'm sure you have heard it on the radio or TV. Some of you know what it means or have an idea, yet most people are not sure of or do not know its definition.
A demagogue or rabble-rouser is a political leader in a democracy who appeals to the emotions, and ignorance of the less-educated people of a population in order to gain power. Demagogues usually oppose deliberation, discussion, avoid compromise, and advocate immediate and quick action to address a national crisis; they accuse moderate and thoughtful opponents of weakness. Demagogues have appeared in democracies since ancient Athens. They exploit a fundamental weakness in democracy: since ultimate power is held by the people, nothing stops the populace from giving supreme power to someone who appeals to the lowest common denominator of a large segment of the population.
In researching this word, its use, and who were examples of these types of people, I found well known and some not so known individuals who are true definitions of this term. These people rose in popularity by exploiting a national crisis, telling lies to whip up emotions and drive the masses against an opponent, deriving political support primarily from the poor and ignorant, and quick to accuse any opponent of weakness or disloyalty.
Who are some of these people?
Cleon - An Athenian who rose from an insignificant peasant life to the leadership position where he was able to manipulate the people to acts of destruction they later regretted.
Alcibiades - He led the Athenian assembly to support making him commander by claiming victory would come easily, appealing to Athenian vanity, and appealing to action and courage over deliberation and common sense.
Adolph Hitler - He instituted government control over the news media and used his charisma and great oratorical skills to convince the populace to follow him as he rose to the position of a leader of Germany in the 1930's.
Joseph McCarthy – In the 50's, he convinced many that communists were in high places in the our government. His well-known senatorial hearings of that era are a testimony to his demagoguery skills yet he was unable to prove his accusations. Once again, we saw effective accusations, misstatements and lies leading to the destruction of innocents.
Glenn Beck – Really? Yes, some say his abilities to convince and organize define him as a demagogue. He has a following of people seemingly growing despite his controversial thoughts playing upon recent crises, and fear, but he really doesn't fall into the rigid definition of demagogue, “a political leader in a democracy.”
Al Gore – Surely a “leader” in a democracy once who used his power, influence and blatant demagoguery to create a crisis, global warming. Look at all the people, countries, and organizations that jumped on the band wagon over this issue that has been recently rebuked by more and more scientists.
I'm sure you are able to find your own demagogues. Unfortunately, there are many men and women who have this knack to perpetrate their wills and whims upon their fellow man without the populace realizing they are being duped. They play to persons who are apathetic, lazy in thought and action, uninformed or misinformed, and often repeat lies as if truth.
Throughout history, we see the rise of these czars, emperors, presidents, politicians, dictators, and others with the rare ability to convince and organize others to work for and follow them without thought, often inventing situations or possible crises to institute their questionable policies without any deliberation and thought on the part of those involved.
Should this innate ability be used for good rather than the demagogue's wants and desires, those under his spell would be so much better off. Unfortunately, a certain unrighteous power exists in these people. Their thought processes are often contentious. Compromise is often not part of their being, yet they appear affable and present themselves acceptable to the gullible and unsuspecting.
The next time you hear “demagogue” used, you will know the meaning of the word. I would also hope you will also try not be one of the gullible and unsuspecting individuals who are the targets of “demagoguery.” To avoid being duped, one must know the major issues of the day and not pigeon hole one's thoughts on one issue.
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