Healthcare Reform Versus the Obamacare Sham Written on Monday, July 8, 2013 by Sean Aland The United States was truly in need of a healthcare overhaul that would take what is already the greatest healthcare system in the world to the next level. Change within the medical field is ongoing and has taken us from the archaic practice of bleeding to the miraculous life saving procedures that are commonplace today. There is always room to improve, but the changes need to come from the people closest to the problems, doctors and healthcare professionals, not a bunch of bureaucrats. More than 15 years ago, my brother who has been a practicing surgeon for over 30 years told me three things that could be done to improve healthcare, cost and, quality. The first was “Tort reform.” We need to eliminate the ludicrous law suit lottery that is played by people who try to capitalize on any medical mishap as a way to “cash in.” What these medica...