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An Unfolding Nightmare!

Doctor Toms Rant - Blogged

"Barack Obama’s America is a place where the president’s daughters can vacation on the taxpayers’ dime in the Caribbean and twice at ski resorts, all within three months, plus attend ritzy private schools, while poor black children at horribly failing schools in the District of Columbia have their “opportunity scholarships” taken away.

Barack Obama’s America is one where a black man can be elected president and a black man can be appointed attorney general, and then where both they and their sub-appointees can argue that huge parts of America are still fundamentally racist.

Barack Obama’s America is one where foreign terrorists captured abroad should be tried in American courts, with full American procedural rights, but where American citizens who aren’t an immediate threat can be killed by remote control without benefit of charges, trials or convictions.

Barack Obama’s America is one where black applicants who easily pass an entrance exam for the fire academy in New York can be denied a job for years but where black applicants who missed 70 percent of the exam questions can be eligible not just for jobs but for back pay, benefits and retroactive promotions.

Barack Obama’s America is one where fishermen aren’t allowed to catch red snapper but where the government can kill tens of thousands of snapper by blowing up oil rigs that provide valuable habitat for Gulf sea life.

Barack Obama’s America is a place where Americans can’t drill for oil in American waters but where American taxes can be used to subsidize Brazilian oil exploration and development.

Barack Obama’s America is a place where felons can vote but soldiers can’t. It’s where elderly people are arrested for peacefully protesting against abortion, but where paramilitary-dressed black radicals can’t be prosecuted for threatening voters. It’s where children can’t shape breakfast pastries into the vague shape of a gun, but where children can procure abortions without even informing their parents.

Barack Obama’s America is where citizens must show a valid ID to get a job, but cannot be required to produce ID to vote.

Barack Obama’s America is where preachers who describe traditional Christians as bigots get rewarded with presidential visits, but where pastors who preach traditional morality get accused of hate speech.

Barack Obama’s America is one in which, when an American ambassador and three others are killed, the only person held to justice is one who made an Internet video that almost nobody saw.

Barack Obama’s America is one where the “free exercise of religion” would be restricted to mere “freedom of worship.” It’s where religious institutions have almost no rights to determine who is and isn’t a “minister” under their employ. It’s where speech rights aren’t inherent, but instead are “doled out” by government. It’s where the Second Amendment is limited, and where the Tenth Amendment is almost non-existent.

In Barack Obama’s America, you didn’t earn your own success and you hold on to guns and God only because you’re bitter and resentful. Your rights as a secured creditor are destroyable at the government’s whim; your right to choose not to own something (health insurance) is non-existent. And you can be told first that you won’t pay a single new tax for a national health plan, but then told the entire plan is constitutional specifically because it is a tax.

In Barack Obama’s America, states cannot be allowed to enforce immigration laws, but they can’t be allowed not to enforce health-care laws. States that won’t enforce federal laws against vote fraud get a free pass, while states that do try to abide by federal laws against vote fraud get sued by the feds.

Barack Obama’s America is a place where legal subpoenas get ignored, false testimony under oath is cheered, government evades transparency, government watchdogs are hounded from office, and White House access is sold with impunity.

Barack Obama’s America is one where regulations are super-abundant, but jobs are woefully scarce.

Obama’s America is an unfolding nightmare. 

And as yet there’s no sign of the dawn’s early light." Quin Hillyer
