"The American Republic will endure, until politiciansrealize they can bribe the people with their own money.”
Whoever wrote this, it certainly is the truest wisdom ever spoken regarding America. Some say this sentiment is attributed to Tocqueville or Alexander Tyler and some even say Franklin, but it is not fully known whose statement it is. Nevertheless, it is a perfect description of what happens when the Cancer of Socialism is introduced into a healthy free society.
It exposes the entire game plan of the Democratic-Socialist party masquerading as both Santa Claus and Robin Hood. Personally I would not be surprised if it were uttered by Madison or even Hamilton in the Federalist Papers era though it would seem likely that the source would have turned up by now.
It could also be said," If one robs Peter to pay Paul, one can always rely on the support of Paul, and there seems that there are a lot of Pauls in America!"
When one administration is able to double the spending in 4 years that the previous "unpatriotic," as Obama has dubbed it, administration had spent in 8 years, people should get the message that maybe, just maybe, we have a real big problem in Washington, D.C..
BUT, The Pauls of America spoke in the 2012 election, screaming for more "free stuff," and Obama and his charges were more than willing to PROMISE it, but, in the end, only give their donors what could be considered "massive kickbacks" by using Pauls' money.
Some of American's unwillingness to put their noses to the grindstone, as it once successfully did and produced a country of unbelievable prosperity, can now only grovel at the feet of tax/spend addicted elites who mean to enslave Paul for all the taking of "free stuff" in the past. Yet Paul continues to think he is getting something for nothing, and thus continues his own charade of success without a penny in his pocket.
"The American Republic will endure, until politicians
realize they can bribe the people with their own money.”
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