are typically economic assistance or tax benefits for businesses and
industries to support their growth and limit their decline. Agriculture
subsidies for farmers were introduced in the 1930s to help struggling
small family farms. Today, they represent a form of corporate welfare
that must be eliminated, says Veronique de Rugy, a senior research
fellow at the Mercatus Center.
Source: Veronique de Rugy, "Farm Subsidies Must Die," Reason Magazine, March 12, 2013.
- On January 2, the same day President Obama signed the fiscal cliff deal, he also extended a 2008 farm bill another nine months that rewards wealthy dairy farmers with milk subsidies.
- The Department of Agriculture spent $22 billion on subsidy programs in 2012, though only 2 percent of Americans are directly engaged in farming.
- An average farm household earned $84,400 in 2010, already above the average nationwide household income.
- The Environmental Working Group reports that since 1995, just 10 percent of subsidized farms --the largest and wealthiest operations -- have raked in 74 percent of all subsidy payments.
- Sixty-two percent of farms in the United States did not collect subsidy payments.
- In 2011, more than $4 billion was spent on direct payments to farmers through a temporary initiative in 1996 that is still around.
- In 2010, roughly 90,000 direct payments went to wealthy investors or absentee landowners.
- In addition to direct payments and crop insurance, farmers also receive price support loans for marketing, conservation subsidies that pay farmers not to farm and export subsidies that aid farmers in foreign sales.
- Subsidies are also combined with import quotas to create industries whose products are more expensive than world prices.
- Large amounts of farm land are rented to young farmers who incur a higher cost of renting and buying due to subsidies.
Source: Veronique de Rugy, "Farm Subsidies Must Die," Reason Magazine, March 12, 2013.
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