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The DNC Convention, What A Circus!

Doctor Toms Rant - Blogged
This week, I mustered enough energy to sit and watch the Democrat Convention. The speeches were all given well as written and off their teleprompters . Nothing was new. Everything was discussed in terms of opportunity, respect, liberty, success, hard work (?), "middle class" and "women" repeated over and over again. None of these really are included in the true communistic upbringing that created the ideology of Obama. What happened to Hillary? He stuck her away far away for this convention, eh? But he has created a bit of a hole recently and desperately needs Bill to help him out despite both men not mutually happy with one another. And what about Bill's speech, the only one Obama and his minions have not written or sorely edited?

Bill gave a speech about himself and then endorsed Obama, period, all the while stabbing at Romney and Ryan as expected.

Interestingly enough, there was no mention of the real percentage of Americans unemployed. Granted, they talked of Americans toiling to get work and surviving these times, but there, of course, was no mention of how we got here. From Carter to Clinton to Obama, the housing crisis, born in the 70's and reinforced in the 90's and absolutely destroyed in the last four years by the shenanigans of Barney Frank and Chris Dodd and not seriously dealt with positively by Obama, has place the U.S.A and other countries into financial ruin. Was this mentioned? Nope!

The democrats have, unfortunately, been able to convince Americans that Bush caused it all, despite the fact that he and other Republicans brought the fact of a probable housing collapse due to Freddie and Fannie 's policies 7 times to the Democrat run congress. Barney Frank lied and told everyone, nothing was farther from the truth, "everything was fine." Now, we know he lied, and he isn't running from office again. Dodd saw the writing on the wall way before Frank. Both should be in jail, but no, they were allowed to legislate their law of crushing governmental regulations only prolonging the crisis, The Dodd-Frank Bill.

Obama's answer: "Bush left me with more than what I thought was happening" attitude, "It's not my fault," the Stimulus where he arrogantly paid back his supporters , ran up the national debt by $1 Trillion a year ( that's 1 million million -not a typo- dollars) a year to over $16 Trillion, today. Doled out more food stamps by 46%, reduce the work criteria for welfare, give amnesty to millions of illegals, pass a healthcare bill no one wants and no one read, cut off America's ability to drill here on our own land for oil and gas, waste billions of taxpayers money on green energy, "saved" the auto industry by losing $50 billion of our money and essentially selling GM to the Union (UAW), decreased the military's ability to fight, increased the government payroll by 250,000 people, and played golf 104 times in 3.5 years. 

This is not to mention finagling and manipulating unemployment figures and his deportation of illegals numbers. And what about his attack on the Constitution and the reference to God for our unalienable rights, his clandestine attempts to destroy the 1st, 2nd, 10th amendments, his continue barrage of executive orders to circumvent the Constitution, his never ending appointments of czars who are not responsible to anyone but him, his unfaltering support for the Palestinians and Islam, his hostile off-the-cuff sell-out of America to  Russia, his one sided nuclear weapon arsenal decrease without any commensurate action from our enemies, and his continued pompous yet weak response to Iran's march toward nuclear capabilities.

Obama's speech was a rehash of his speech in 2008. Speaking to capitalism and hard work and individual responsibility was hard to believe. Speaking of cooperation and compromise was really unbelievable as well as his wife's fairy tale of struggle as she grew up. And, of course,  promises, promises, pants on fire!

Here's a man who has spent the last 4 years campaigning on the taxpayers dime for another 4 years in office, who has traveled every week around the country and the often the world, costing millions of dollars on Air Force 1. He had the gaul to create and air an ad asking only black Americans to vote for him intentionally showing his divisive nature. He speaks of being home at 6:30 pm for dinner with his family but leaves them in France when visiting the mid-east countries where wives are not included in discussions, he bows to foreign dignitaries, he apologizes repeatedly for America's strength and outwardly vows to dampen it, and he uses flowery oration to fool Americans while the world knows he is weak and willing only to destroy the power of America and not our enemies.

In the White House, he and Michelle have 454 people to support their lives, 24 and counting for Michelle alone. They have lived an extravagant life style while asking Americans to sacrifice, everyone giving  their fair share (47% of Americans pay no taxes and some of these get refunds - this is his "fair share definition"), spending more and taxing the rich is the way to go, continually dividing the country by gender, class, sexual orientation and race by placing surrogates on TV and radio parroting his agenda everyday to batter Americans into believing his lies, and all the while smiling as he knows he gets away with all of this with a willing sycophant media.

America, it has been said many times before, but believe me, this is the most important election of America's life. We have begun the slide down a slippery slope to a world we have never seen in over 236 years. What we have is not what our Founding Fathers envisioned. They would appalled by this condition today and might just think that another revolution of truth and prosperity is needed starting with the ousting of those persons who stand under the socialist/Marxist banner of Obama and electing people who will stand for the America we once were and can be again.

So who will you vote for? 
Who has the ability to lead rather than to pontificate and watch from afar?

It is up to you to understand the difference between a strong, robust economy boosted by the entrepreneurship of the private sector or the continued governmental overregulation and oppression of the private sector. 
