"There are two sides to every story" but we don't always get the truth from the media.
The liberal controlled media...television news...newspapers...magazines...radio...all continue to show 12 year old Trayvon Martin...NOT 17 year old Trayvon MArtin...they continue to show the 5 year old picture BECAUSE it helps to cement in your mind the little, cute, hoodie wearing youngster who was stalked by this monster.
In reality.."little Trayvon"...at the time of his death...stood almost 6'2" tall...weighed 175 muscular pounds...had numerous run ins with authorities (both at school and local police)...had been stopped and almost arrested two days before his death for...smacking a bus driver in the face...because the driver refused to let him ride for free...he was released because the driver was told not to press charges by the bus company and to continue on his route.
When "little Trayvon" was suspended at school...it was not only because he tried to bring a little marijuana in with him...he was in possession of wedding rings and other jewelry...watches etc. that he said he "found" along with a large screwdriver...while on the way to school that day...the jewelry was turned over to the Police by the school.
This incident certainly was a tragedy...Trayvon did not deserved to die...A bizarre set of circumstances brought these two together that night. We can all agree on this.
What I am saying here is ...the media in the USA is controlled by liberals who twist and distort what you see and hear in order for you to see things THEIR WAY ONLY.
They irresponsibly manipulate, deceive, and whitewash whatever suits them using misinformation and propagating one lie after another.
Not a single paper has printed RECENT photos of Trayvon...because...it would not keep your interest in this case... Not a single paper will admit that this boy was a marijuana dealer...his friends on Facebook all say he had the "best plants"...not a single paper will show you any of his recent photos where he shows off a mouthful of gold teeth....all of his tattoos...inappropriate language....not a single paper will tell the news like it really is, but they will tell it as they want us to hear.
President Obama...looked at the FIVE year old photo the media chose to show the Nation...fell for the purposely published younger photo, and said ..."If I had a son...he would look like Trayvon."
He had never seen the real 17 year old's photo.
Left is a current 2012 photo of George Zimmerman.
Right is what the TV is showing.
Left was the current 17 Year old Trayvon Martin.
Right is what TV news is showing; taken when he was 12 years old
So from that comment...should we assume, Mr. President, you did not bother to look for the facts in this case..or should I assume you want a son who is a 17 year old drug dealer with stolen goods who punches bus drivers and whose name on one of his Facebook profiles was "Wild Nigga!" I really don't think so, sir!
There is no fair and impartial news media in the USA. Most follow the liberal agenda. It seems that they are looking to further divide this already fractured Nation? Their agenda for such actions is can only be to keep America divided among themselves for a political and socialistic purpose such as Alinski professed many years ago.
The slogan the news media in the USA should adopt is... "The truth...as WE only see it !"
Have you noticed that now most of this information above has come to the surface, the liberal media has almost, if not completely, dropped the entire story.
Where is the astonishment, the outrage, the interviews of the suffering victim's family for whom we all feel, the indignant blustering comments of Sharpton and Jackson, and the judgmental media, now?
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