From: "Front Sight Firearms Training Institute: For Immediate Release: Friday, December 14, 2012 Please Forward to Your Local Newspapers, Radio Stations, and Television News Stations Subject: Gun School For Teachers Las Vegas, Nevada: In the wake of the yet another senseless school massacre, I ask all our politicians, law enforcement officials, and school administrators one simply question: WHEN ARE WE GOING TO WAKE UP AS A NATION AND PROTECT OUR CHILDREN? How many more children have to die before we will find the testicular fortitude, as a nation, to put in place REAL policies that will stop a deranged gunman in his tracks, before he can commit mass murder on innocent and defenseless children? How many times do I have to offer the nation THE solution? What the hell is wrong with the leaders of our country? Find a pair, and make the RIGHT decision to protect our children, not more of the wrong decisions that create the opportunity for the next lunatic to murder...