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Showing posts from November, 2012

Seriously, There's No Voter Fraud?

Even if this is pursued, you and I know that in the end,  nothing will come of it.   22 Signs That Voter Fraud Took Place      There were over 70,000 reports of voting problems on election day, and there are numerous eyewitnesses that claim that they saw voting machines change votes for one candidate to another candidate right in front of their eyes.  In several of the swing states there were counties where the number of registered voters exceeded the total voting age population by a very wide margin.  How did that happen?   Some of the vote totals that were reported in some of the most important swing states were completely and totally absurd.  Are we just supposed to accept them on blind faith?   If massive election fraud did take place and nobody is held accountable, where’s the concern?  Where’s the justice?  The people will have gotten cheated. The following are 22 signs that v...

Won't Take 4 Years At This Rate!!

Follow Me, Stupid,  I know the Way!!


1. Obama and his team FAILED in the days leading up to the crisis and as the crisis was unfolding on 9/11/12. As a result, our Ambassador and his staff did not get the support and protection they needed. 2. Obama then MISLED AND LIED about the true nature of the Benghazi terrorist attack. We do not know his motives, but he clearly lied. 3. The liberal media COVERED UP the lies and still today is refusing to hold Obama accountable.

What 11/6/12 Defines!

Ethanol Is Literally Killing Us!

The Ethanol Election Delay November 2, 2012 Despite a global drought that limited food supplies, the United States continued to mandate that four of every 10 bushels of corn be used in ethanol production. The food shortages have been linked to political instability in Africa, the Middle East and South America, according to the United Nations, says the Wall Street Journal. The biofuel mandates are responsible for at least 192,000 premature deaths every year because of hunger. Global prices for staple food produced increased from 10 percent to 25 percent. However, the renewable fuel standard (RFS) mandates that nearly 15 percent of international corn production be used for fuel. Next year, the RFS mandates that 13.8 billion gallons of corn ethanol be blended into gasoline. Two groups, the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) and Action Aid have joined together to petition the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to get rid of the RFS. They argue that the mandate d...

Increasing Taxes Worsens the Economy

Tax Hikes Cost Economy Far More Than They Add in Spending November 2, 2012 Increasing taxes to pay for government spending results in a higher economic loss for the public , say Ernest S. Christian and Gary A. Robbins, executive director and the chief economist, respectively, of the Center for Strategic Tax Reform in Washington, D.C. Between 2013 and 2022, tax increases will do $2 worth of damage for every $1 of added tax revenue. In 2013 alone, income taxes will account for $270 billion in government revenues. But the public will experience economic loss that is $540 billion in deadweight loss (the economic cost of tax increases). In the end, the public suffers more harm because of the tax increases in the form of either fewer private sector jobs or lower living standards. According to economists, if income tax rates are increased in January, $1 of tax revenue will cost the public $2.50. Furthermore, if the tax increases go through in January as planned, the increas...

And Obama Wants Increase Regulations On Drug Comapnies

Unclogging the Drug Pipeline November 2, 2012 The U.S. Senate recently introduced a bill that would increase innovation in the research and development of medicine for chronic health conditions. However, the bill fails to address government regulations that have become a significant obstacle for drug developers and a disincentive for potential investors. Bringing a drug to market takes 12 to 15 years and costs more than $1.4 billion, says Henry I. Miller, the Robert Wesson Fellow at the Hoover Institution. Manufacturers recoup their research and development costs for only one in five approved drugs. Thirty-six percent of venture capital firms say they will increase investments in life science companies in Europe. However, only 13 percent plan to increase investment in U.S. companies. Furthermore, 31 percent of respondents claim they are planning to decrease their current investments in U.S. life science companies, compared to 7 percent of respondents that want to decrea...

What Liberals Do Not Understand About Education

Decades of Employment Growth in America's Public Schools November 2, 2012 Over the decades, the U.S. public education system has experienced growth both in the number of students and workers, says Benjamin Scafidi, associate professor of economics and director of the Economics of Education Policy Center at Georgia College & State University. Between 1950 and 2009, the number of K-12 public school students increased by 96 percent. The number of employees at schools grew by an astounding 386 percent. Of those personnel numbers, teachers' numbers increased 252 percent while staffing and administration experienced a growth of 702 percent. To keep up with increases in student and personnel numbers, federal and state governments have substantially increased funding to public education. Despite the funding, student achievement has not increased. Between 1992 and 2008, public high school graduation rates increased to 74.7 percent from 74.2 percent. However, a hi...



Bring this list to the attention of undecided voters to help them make up their mind that it is, indeed, time for a change. 1. Jobs not being created Don’t let the official 7.8 percent unemployment rate for September fool you; work-force participation is at a record low and 23 million American are looking for work. Ten times as many people have dropped out of the work force during Obama’s term than have found a job. His last attempt at helping the unemployed—the 2009 stimulus package—cost nearly a trillion dollars with minimal impact on creating actual jobs. 2. Debt crisis spiraling Under Obama, the nation has accumulated nearly $6 trillion in debt over four years and a second term would likely add more. The cost of financing the national debt will quickly skyrocket as interest rates rise. Obama’s only plan to staunch the bleeding is to tax the rich. But even if he succeeds in letting the Bush tax cuts expire for families with incomes over $250,000, the annual deficit o...