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What All School Shooters Have In Common

What Do All School Shooters Have In Common?

The Left's attack on the traditional family, while lauding single parenting, is destroying our children, our communities and America. Not only is there a much higher percentage of children, who are raised in single parent homes, in poverty, they are also more prone to drop out of school and commit serious crimes. Further, every one of the school mass-shooters had one thing
in common: They didn't have a father for most, if not all, of their lives.

Since The Welfare Programs Of The 1960s Were Enacted, Single Parent Families Headed By Women Increased From 8% Of Families To

Since the Left's "Great Society" programs under Lyndon Johnson were enacted in the mid-1960s, that paid women to separate from men in order to receive welfare benefits, the number of single parent families has sky-rocketed.

In 1960, 88% of families with children were headed by two parents. Today only 69% are. The percentage of single parent families went from 12% to 31%. The most startling rise was in those single parent families headed by women. Those tripled, increasing from 8% to 25% of all families.

Poverty In Single Parent Families Headed By Women Is Five Times That Of Two Parent Families

Further, 42% of children living in female-headed families grow up in poverty, as compared to 18% in male-headed families, and only 8% in families headed by a mom and a dad.

Over 70% Of Children From Single Parent Families Are Involved In Crime

Worse of all, a startling 70% of all gang members and 70% of teen pregnancies come from female-headed families.

63% of suicides are individuals from single parent families. 75% of children in chemical dependency hospitals, 70% of juveniles
in state-operated institutions and 85% of all children that exhibit behavioral disorders are from single-parent families.

All School Shooters Didn't Have A Father In Their Life
But worse of all, every one of the mass-murders in our schools was committed by a person who didn't have a father for most, if not all, of their life.

Here is a link to a video "What do all school shooters have in common?" that everyone should watch:

What Do All School Shooters Have in Common?<>

Everyone is searching for answers after the horrific school shooting in Parkland, Florida. Dr. Warren Farrell explains one thing all school shooters have in common.

The Left's Expansion Of The Welfare State Has Brought Squalor And Depravity

This is the result of the Left's expansion of the welfare state over the last 50 years. More crime, more poverty, more drug dependency, more delinquency, more child pregnancy, more immorality. And what is their answer? More attacks on our values and our Constitution, and more big government.

Ronald Reagan summed up the Left and their backwards agenda with one statement, "The more their plans fail, the more the planners plan."

It's time for the Left's attack on the traditional family and celebration of the single parent family to be exposed for what they are, a socialist progressive scam that is undermining our children, our communities and our county.

It's time for this leftist sickness of to come to an end.
