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Political Correctness Strikes Again!!

"The left will defend the nonsense we hear and see under the guise of art, film or music -- where the anti-religious, anti-God crowd cheers the artistic expressions of those who would profane decency or place Jesus on a stick and submerge the fixture in a jar of urine and then defend it. Vile language and sexual themes are defended every day by the left. 

The undiluted truth -- to those addicted or married to their sin -- is like fire or light or garlic to a vampire. It angers them. It hits deep. It presses on their tender conscience like poking a bruise. It makes them hiss and spit. It brings out the true essence of what is inside them. Apply pressure and the truth of what is inside will come pouring out. Squeeze an orange and you get orange juice. Simple truth, because that is the essence of an orange, that is what is inside. Apply the pressure of truth, with those comfortable with repulsive sin and vile behavior and what gushes forth is not tolerance and understanding, but rather viciousness and lies that calls bitter, sweet and evil, good.

When someone commits an act of evil (like shooting up a school yard), the left almost never calls it evil or even condemns the actions of the person, but rather seeks to find an outside influence(s) that may have caused the person to do what they did (or they blame the weapon). Yet when a conservative Christian speaks up, the left demands that they be condemned and that they must take full ownership of their words. Punishment or expulsion are the only acceptable decisions the left will allow. The left has no time for grace, let alone truth. No person or property was harmed in the expression of Phil Robertson's view. But the left has long forgotten that sticks and stones are what break bones and truths they refuse to hear only burn their ears and conscience in a figurative sense."
by David Whitley, Eagle Rising
The undiluted truth -- to those addicted or married to their sin -- is like fire or light or garlic to a vampire. It angers them. It hits deep. It presses on their tender conscience like poking a bruise. It makes them hiss and spit. It brings out the true essence of what is inside them. Apply pressure and the truth of what is inside will come pouring out. Squeeze an orange and you get orange juice. Simple truth, because that is the essence of an orange, that is what is inside. Apply the pressure of truth, with those comfortable with repulsive sin and vile behavior and what gushes forth is not tolerance and understanding, but rather viciousness and lies that calls bitter, sweet and evil, good.

The undiluted truth -- to those addicted or married to their sin -- is like fire or light or garlic to a vampire. It angers them. It hits deep. It presses on their tender conscience like poking a bruise. It makes them hiss and spit. It brings out the true essence of what is inside them. Apply pressure and the truth of what is inside will come pouring out. Squeeze an orange and you get orange juice. Simple truth, because that is the essence of an orange, that is what is inside. Apply the pressure of truth, with those comfortable with repulsive sin and vile behavior and what gushes forth is not tolerance and understanding, but rather viciousness and lies that calls bitter, sweet and evil, good.
When someone commits an act of evil (like shooting up a school yard), the left almost never calls it evil or even condemns the actions of the person, but rather seeks to find an outside influence(s) that may have caused the person to do what they did (or they blame the weapon). Yet when a conservative Christian speaks up, the left demands that they be condemned and that they must take full ownership of their words. Punishment or expulsion are the only acceptable decisions the left will allow. The left has no time for grace, let alone truth. No person or property was harmed in the expression of Phil Robertson's view. But the left has long forgotten that sticks and stones are what break bones and truths they refuse to hear only burn their ears and conscience in a figurative sense.


The left will defend the nonsense we hear and see under the guise of art, film or music -- where the anti-religious, anti-God crowd cheers the artistic expressions of those who would profane decency or place Jesus on a stick and submerge the fixture in a jar of urine and then defend it. Vile language and sexual themes are defended every day by the left.
The undiluted truth -- to those addicted or married to their sin -- is like fire or light or garlic to a vampire. It angers them. It hits deep. It presses on their tender conscience like poking a bruise. It makes them hiss and spit. It brings out the true essence of what is inside them. Apply pressure and the truth of what is inside will come pouring out. Squeeze an orange and you get orange juice. Simple truth, because that is the essence of an orange, that is what is inside. Apply the pressure of truth, with those comfortable with repulsive sin and vile behavior and what gushes forth is not tolerance and understanding, but rather viciousness and lies that calls bitter, sweet and evil, good.
When someone commits an act of evil (like shooting up a school yard), the left almost never calls it evil or even condemns the actions of the person, but rather seeks to find an outside influence(s) that may have caused the person to do what they did (or they blame the weapon). Yet when a conservative Christian speaks up, the left demands that they be condemned and that they must take full ownership of their words. Punishment or expulsion are the only acceptable decisions the left will allow. The left has no time for grace, let alone truth. No person or property was harmed in the expression of Phil Robertson's view. But the left has long forgotten that sticks and stones are what break bones and truths they refuse to hear only burn their ears and conscience in a figurative sense.

